828 Railroad St. PO Box 7833
Brookings, OR 97415
Shelter Hours: Mon-Sat 12:30-5 pm
Sunday-Appointment Only
Honoring Betty White

"Animals don't lie. Animals don't criticize. If animals have moody days, they handle them better than humans do."
Betty White

Actress and comedy legend Betty White passed away on December 31, 2021, just weeks shy of her 100th birthday on January 17th.
Among her many accomplishments, Betty was very involved in animal charities and an outspoken advocate for animal health. Animals were a big part of White's life from a young age. She even estimated having 20 dogs at one point while growing up! She was also a member of various animal-rights organizations for decades. She will be missed!
In honor of her untiring work to save animals, fans are encouraged to make a donation to their local animal shelter. Please join us in honoring this amazing person by making a donation in her honor.
Your gift helps us help the animals! Thank you!